The ABCs with Erica from Novel Ink

Posted October 19, 2016 by Andi in The ABCs / 0 Comments

Welcome to The ABCs where you can see what accessory, book and clothing item others are lusting after! If you would like more information or would like to sign-up you can click HERE. I’ve also created a place for authors to sign-up and do the ABCs for one of their main characters. Check that out HERE.

Today on The ABCS we have Erica from Novel Ink showing off her accessory, book and clothing item of choice.

Let’s give Erica a warm ABCs welcome!



Accessory: Nike’s
I have a decent number of shoes & probably 90% of those are Nike’s. I love wearing tennis shoes & they just go with my laid back wardrobe. I really want to add these to my closet because they’re just amazing. I love gray because it matches everything & the gold accent is perfection.

Book: Gemina by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff
Oh my gosh, this book. I need it now. Illuminae was my favorite read of 2015. It blew me away especially when sci-fi isn’t my fave to read. Gemina sounds like it’ll be just as good as or…better than Illuminae. Plus, these covers are gorgeous so adding them to my bookshelves will be amazing!

Clothing: VS Pullover
I actually am not a huge fan of VS because their prices are a bit much, but I saw this and needed it! I love the colors (I’m not much of a pink person…no pun intended) but I think the pink and gray just complement each other well. Plus, I love being cozy so what’s not to love?


Thanks Erica for sharing your ABCs with us!

If you would like to play like Erica did, sign-ups are open HERE.




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