HAPPY April My Lovelies!
Congrats, the first quarter of the 2017 Contemporary Romance Reading Challenge! I hope you all have been getting your love fest reading on and have been linking up. If you haven’t officially signed up for the challenge,you can so so HERE. If you don’t sign-up, your entries will not count toward the giveaway and I have to disqualify you. Basically…SIGN-UP!
Monthly Link-Up and Giveaway Details:
- Your thoughts on each book you read must be posted somewhere, like your blog, Goodreads, Amazon, YouTube, Tumblr, etc., in order for it to count towards this challenge. Ratings on Goodreads, LibraryThing, BookLikes, etc. will also work.
- Monthly link-up posts will go live the around the first day of each month so you can add your links throughout the month as your posts go up. Each linky will remain open five days into each new month to allow you some time to get all your posts linked up!
- In order for us to tell what you’re linking to on the monthly linky, the format for the links you enter need to be as follows:
- UPDATE POST @ your name/blog name.
- REVIEW: [BOOK TITLE] @ your name/blog name.
- MONTHLY TOPIC @ your name/blog name.
- Each month we’ll choose a lucky winner from that month’s linky to win a Contemporary Romance novel of their choice (up to US$10).
- Each link you enter in that month’s linky will count as one entry into the giveaway.
- Challenge and Giveaways are open internationally. (As long as The Book Depository ships to your country, you are eligible for a prize.)
Monthly Topics:
- Each monthly link-up post will include a Contemporary Romance topic for you to participate in if you’d like.
- Monthly Topic posts can go up anytime in the specified month. Link them up as follows: MONTHLY TOPIC @ your name/blog name.
- These posts will also earn you an entry in the monthly giveaway as long as you link back to them.
This month’s topic:
Favorite Road Trip Books
With summer around the corner (well hopefully anyway, it is currently snowing in Boston!) there is nothing better than a great contemporary road trip book. I have read some great road trip books over the years that cover a variety of topics and I love them for their own reasons.
- Two-Way Street – Lauren Barnholdt
- Open Road Summer – Emery Lord
- The Disenchantments – Nina LaCour
- Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour – Morgan Matson
- Just Visiting – Dahlia Adler
- Saving June – Hannah Harrington
And since last month people were so helpful with ideas for first kisses, I thought I would throw it out to Twitter again. A lot of you said Amy & Roger and Open Road Summer. You have great taste. 🙂
@andiABCs Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour, Two Way Street.
— Miranda Kenneally ? (@MirandaKennealy) March 24, 2017
@andiABCs With This Heart (RS Gray) was a good one❤
— Jessica Pennington (@jessnpennington) March 24, 2017
@andiABCs people have said most of the ones I’d rec, but I’ll also add An Abundance of Katherines and Let’s Get Lost
— Mary Madness (@knoxdiver) March 24, 2017
@andiABCs Tessa Bailey has an entire series dedicated to this topic. It’s the Belmont family series.
— Sarah Shortcake. (@whtabtpineapple) March 24, 2017
@andiABCs The Edge of Never. NA. Intense and swoonworthy and will bring on the tears.
— Mish (@chasingfaes) March 24, 2017
And Lauren even included a link to her own Goodreads shelf just for Road Trips
@andiABCs I think Open Road Summer, if you’d count that. I keep some on a shelf too 😉 https://t.co/g4O3TFXygf
— Lauren (@bookmarklit) March 24, 2017
If you have any questions, please email me (accessoriesbooksclothes@gmail.com) . Also, make sure you follow me on Twitter (@andiabcs) for challenge updates and reminders! Don’t forget to use the hashtag #ContRom2017 to follow everyone’s challenge updates on Twitter!
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