What started as an experiment on finding a reading system that works for me has turned into me once again falling in love with a TBR List. For 8 months in 2019 I created a TBR List and read books off of those lists. Some months I was successful and didn’t deviate and some months I had to add books or take books away. All in all though I really enjoyed having a structured list to go off of so I’m sticking with it in 2020.
I started my January TBR list off with 12 books knowing I couldn’t read 12 books. I liked having extra books to pick from. It made it seem less strict and more optional. I also had to trade out one book in January and move it to February because a library book came in and I needed to read it before it was due and I went back on the wait list. All in all though, January was a good month. I read 8 books. for well over 3500 pages. I would say the year has started off not too shabby (minus was Goodreads will makes you think with my challenge).
For February I plan to read a lot of rom-com books on my Kindle, and some ARCs I have been meaning to get to…I’m looking at your The Midnight Lie and The Idea of You. I also plan to read my book for Back Pages which I plan to kick off soon. Sadly for you I decided not to share what my Back Pages book is, but you will find out soon enough. Here is my full February TBR:
What do you do for a monthly TBR? Do you stick to a list or wing it? Share in the comments.
You have a lot of fun books on your TBR that I’m looking forward to reading. I haven’t read Lucky Caller yet but I’m looking forward to it. And all the Berkley romcoms! Can’t wait!
Curious to hear your thoughts on Lucky Caller and Foul is Fair!
I’m actually reading Lucky Caller right now. It was a slow start but I’m enjoying it mostly. I’ll keep you posted.