Monthly TBR – October 2020

Posted October 1, 2020 by Andi in TBR / 0 Comments

What started as an experiment on finding a reading system that works for me has turned into me once again falling in love with a TBR List. For 8 months in 2019 I created a TBR List and read books off of  those lists. Some months I was successful and didn’t deviate and some months I had to add books or take books away. All in all though I really enjoyed having a structured list to go off of so I’m sticking with it in 2020.

It is weird to say this since I did read 8 books in September, but I feel into a reading slump of sorts. I couldn’t seems to get into many books so I went days without reading and my total for the month shows it. I know, I know, 8 is good. It just feels like not a lot to me. I could have done better, but it is what it is. I am currently in the middle of my ACOMAF reread and that is making me happy.

Since my lists had been getting very oversized, I decided for October I would scale it down and just have 10 books on my TBR. Some of these are books I have been meaning to read for a while…I’m looking at you This Lullaby…and some are books that are just coming out and I’m excited for. Not a lot of Netgalley this month but that is because I have November plans (more to come on that).

What do you do for a monthly TBR? Do you stick to a list or wing it? Are you participating in ARC August?

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