Rebels Week: Book Trailer/Behind the Scenes

Posted March 25, 2021 by Andi in Books, Extras / 2 Comments

To wrap up Rebels Week, we once again have a guest appearance by Suzanne Young. Today Suzanne is taking us behind the scenes of the team responsible for her amazing book trailers. She is sharing today how she knows the people that help make her books come to life. And at the end make sure you watch the trailer for Girls with Rebel Souls!

We’ve been creating book trailers for almost 10 years now. I say we because I haven’t done this alone. In fact, it’s been a group project – literally. I wanted to take a moment to spotlight some of the creatives I’ve had a chance to work with over the years. Actors, models, directors – they’ve done it all.

Hannah Johnson at @hannahnicholejohnson

I was Hannah’s high school English teacher starting nearly 10 years ago and her mother is one of my best friends. The entire idea of book trailers actually started in my English class with a discussion about marketing. For an assignment, a group of students decided to made a book trailer for THE TREATMENT, book 2 in The Program series. Soon, it became our thing. A group of students made trailers for my books – I named them Extra Credit Productions. So far, we’ve made 6 or 7 trailers. Hannah has always been my lead. She has amazing screen presence and she gets the books – she often reads the early versions before they’re published. She’s an absolute joy and a role model in the community. I’m so proud that I’ve been able to work with her all these years.

MyKayla Tate Instagram @mykaylaa101

I was so lucky to find MyKayla when looking for models for the GIRLS WITH SHARP STICKS trailer. The instant I met her, I knew she was the perfect Sydney – caring and funny, and she had amazing chemistry with the other girls. When I asked MyKayla back for the second trailer, I was thrilled when she said yes. She and Hannah have a perfect Mena and Sydney vibe. It couldn’t have been anyone else but MyKayla. I’m grateful that creating the trailers gave me a chance to meet her and her mom – who is awesome.

Abe Tinkam Instagram @un_imagination

Abe is another one of my former students who has been helping with my trailers since the beginning, starting as Realm from The Program series. For this trailer, Abe was wonderful enough to come through and film (and make an appearance as Jackson). Wonderfully creative, fun, and so kind. I’m grateful for his time and work through all of these trailers. He’s honestly great.

I hope Extra Credit Productions has more trailers in the future. I can’t imagine doing these without their creative input and skills. Thank you.

Some of our other trailers. You can check out more at the Suzanne Young channel on YouTube.

Girls with Sharp Sticks Trailer:

Hotel Ruby Trailer:

The Program Trailer:

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