Author: Jessica Pennington

TBR – Upcoming Reads

TBR – Upcoming Reads

I sometimes, all the time, get stressed out by the shear amount of books I own or want to read. It can be very overwhelming to look at all the options available to me. Because of this I often forget that I want to read something and then start something else. It is a vicious cycle and I try desperately to break it. I have yet to be successful but I still try. Will that being said there are 6 books that are high on my TBR priority list. Wonder how this will go.   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ […]

Posted August 7, 2017 by Andi / 0 Comments
Waiting For…

Waiting For…

I’m aware it is only July of 2017. In my mind I know there are plenty of books coming out in the next months that I am desperate to read. But if I’m honest I keep looking at my 2018 book list on Goodreads and getting all the book envy. There are so many books coming out in 2018 and I’m dying for them all. I mean there is the given, the 7th book in the Throne of Glass series and the announce 4th book in the ACOTAR series, plus the Meet Cute compilation, but there are some series that […]

Posted July 11, 2017 by Andi / 1 Comment