Publisher: Harlequin Teen

TBR: Recently Added (2)

TBR: Recently Added (2)

A lot of good books have been brought to my attention and like any good book nerd I have added them to my TBR. I mean let’s be honest, we all want to keep our TBR down to a minimum, but in this reading world it is almost impossible to do. I have learned to embrace it and just go with it. Here are 6 books I have recently added to my TBR from direct suggestions or tweets that I happened to catch: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What have you recently added to your TBR? Have you read […]

Posted June 22, 2017 by Andi / 1 Comment
Giveaway – Lifeblood by Gena Showalter

Giveaway – Lifeblood by ..

The second book in Gena Showalter’s series, Lifeblood, was released at the end of February.  I am lucky enough to be able to give away a copy to one lucky reader. Please see the entry form to enter! Good luck! LINKS: Amazon | B&N | Indiebound ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Giveaway: US ONLY. Ends March 24, 2017 @ 11:59PM EST a Rafflecopter giveaway

Posted March 17, 2017 by Andi / 6 Comments
On my Radar: Top TBR Books (and a dream book)

On my Radar: Top TBR Books (an..

As book bloggers and readers we have a ton of books. At any given time I have about 100 books I want to read at once which we all know isn’t possible. But with those 100 books I usually have a few in mind that I want to read (unless I’m in a mood reading phase). Currently I have 6 books that I have my eye on to read next, and one that I am desperate to show up on Edelweiss so I can download it and the read the crap out of it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ […]

Posted July 25, 2016 by Andi / 7 Comments
Review: Never Always Sometimes – Adi Alsaid

Review: Never Always Sometimes..

The thing I love most about Adi Alsaid’s books is the passion he has for them. The first time I met him he was doing press for his debut book Let’s Get Lost. When he talked about the book you could tell he genuinely loved his book and what he does. Because of this (and because I enjoyed his debut) I was really excited for Never Always Sometimes. And truth be told, I really enjoyed this one too. Did I think it had some flaws? Sure. But when it came down to it I thought the story and emotions were […]

Posted August 10, 2015 by Andi / 3 Comments
Review: Lies We Tell Ourselves – Robin Talley

Review: Lies We Tell Ourselves..

This book has been on my radar since sometime in May. I was fascinated by the idea behind it as I haven’t read many like it in YA. It was a book that was taking a chance in my opinion and that excited me. And now after finally reading it I can say that although I wasn’t blown away, it was a hard book to read and I imagine to write. It was a slap in the face with culture shock at the way things were in the US what wasn’t that long ago and how easy fear and hatred […]

Posted November 20, 2014 by Andi / 2 Comments