My Favorite Things Week – Top Ten Tuesday

Posted September 15, 2015 by Andi in My Favorite Things, Top 10 Tuesday / 14 Comments

As I mentioned HERE this week I am doing My Favorite Things week on the blog. It actually worked out pretty well since this week’s Top Ten Tuesday was actually a Freebie. So for this week you are getting a treat. You are getting my top ten favorite books, movies, television shows and stores (on line and physical). I know it is a lot to take in, but it is my week so my rules. 😉



200_s tumblr_inline_mpkkp6fhGw1qz4rgpapollo13 Clue-gif-clue-the-movie-21765985-500-281 four MTMxNTk1NjA5Mzk1MjA2NjIytumblr_mj29gmJBXF1qf7m6no2_r1_500 titanic  tumblr_mad0v9IBYZ1qcuhr9o1_500  veronica-mars-movie-logan-veronica

Before Sunset || Miracle || Apollo 13 || Clue || Divergent || Clueless || Good Will Hunting || Titanic || Dream a Little Dream || Veronica Mars


Chicago Fire
The O.C.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Dawson’s Creek
Top Chef
Veronica Mars
The Walking Dead
Beverly Hills, 90210

anna1 divergent parallel loop court1 froi delirium twenty what illmeetyou

*Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
**Banners made by me using Canva
***gifs and pictures found on Google and Goodreads (click on the books for my reviews)


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14 responses to “My Favorite Things Week – Top Ten Tuesday

  1. Great, great, great! LOFT is one of my fave places to shop as well – they always have great deals and interesting prints (although I think I’m more into prints than you are). I hadn’t heard of Miracle and Dream a Little Dream (I’m sure you going, “WHAT?!?!” right now), but the latter sounds totally up my alley. Can’t wait for more of this week, Andi!

  2. Love it you rebel you 🙂

    Taaarget! I could spend days in Target. Love Amazon too. Ahhh Clueless and Titanic are two of my very favorite movies! I watch Clueless all the time. Friends and The OC, yes!!! I LOVED Lost when it first aired and was so wrapped up in it for the first 4 seasons, but I never finished the series :/ You know I adore Anna and ACOTAR. I really liked Divergent as well and have Loop to read soon! Such a fun list this week 🙂

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