Review: Talk Nerdy to Me – Tiffany Schmidt

Posted June 4, 2020 by Andi in Books, Review / 0 Comments

Review: Talk Nerdy to Me – Tiffany SchmidtTalk Nerdy to Me by Tiffany Schmidt
Published by Amulet Paperbacks
Published: May 19, 2020
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Eliza takes center stage in this swoon-worthy third installment of the Bookish Boyfriends series

Eliza Gordon-Fergus is an expert rule-follower. She has to be; her scientist parents dictate her day-to-day decisions, and forbid her from dating. Which is why she finds Curtis Cavendish maddening. He’s never punished for his class clown antics―and worse, his mischief actually masks brilliance. Like, give-Eliza-a-run-for-valedictorian brilliance.

When Eliza reads Frankenstein for English class, she’s left feeling more like an experiment than a daughter. Curtis agrees to trade her Anne of Green Gables under one condition: She has to beat him at the science fair. Eliza knows they’re supposed to be competing, but the more time they spend together, the more she realizes she’s in over her head. Because one thing’s certain about Curtis: He makes Eliza want to break all the rules.

The truth is, I have never met a Tiffany Schmidt book I didn’t love. She has a writing style that just works for me and what I love to read. And her Bookish Boyfriend series is one of my all time favorite. So it comes at no surprise when I tell you not only did I devour Talk Nerdy to Me, I also fell head over heels in love with it. Eliza and Curtis are everything I wanted them to be and 1000 times  more.

Talk Nerdy to Me is the 3rd book in the companion series, Bookish Boyfriends and follows Eliza, a girl that has always followed the rules. Her parents have dictated her life from afar for so long Eliza just does what is expected of her. The only thing she doesn’t do is let herself feel. That is until she start getting to know Curtis, a guy she had brushed off based on one comment he made before knowing her. As the two of them spend more and more time together Eliza learns there is more to him and she thought and maybe listening to her parents and the rules are highly overrated.

What I love about Bookish Boyfriends is that each book in the series is a mash-up of two classics and Talk Nerdy to Me is a mash-up of Frankenstein and Anne of Green Gables, two books I have never read. But even without having read them it was just so easy to fall in love with these characters. Honestly Eliza was a bundle of nerves thanks to her parents (who I wanted to hit in the head with a dead fish) and the constant pressure she was under. And Curtis was constantly trying to make people feel more comfortable. But what people didn’t know was his smartness may have rivaled Eliza’s. On paper these two would not be a good match yet they somehow worked so much I walked away with all the flutters of feels. Curtis and Eliza may not have seemed like the perfect match, but were they ever. My heart is still happy.

Talk Nerdy to Me was a book that was filled with emotions. I laughed ad cried and swooned. Every time i read a new installment in this series I think it is the best of the series and I don;t want that to ever end. If you haven’t picked up these books start on book one and make your way through them all. Your heart will thank you later.

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