Friday’s Fancies #5

Posted September 27, 2013 by Andi in Friday's Fancies, Outfits / 0 Comments

Truth time, sometimes I hate that I can’t wear jeans to work, that that option has been taken away from me. It’s hard to come up with something new and different to wear or to remember when you wore a sweater last so you don’t look like you wear the same thing to work everyday. But then there are those days that you get an outfit idea and you can’t think of not being able to get dressed up for work. It is nothing crazy or out of the ordinary, but it is something that just clicks for you. Well this is my click. Nothing better than a Charley Sweater and a Pencil Skirt. It’s classy and simple but you can make it your own with a print or a color combination or both.

Work Wear

So I ask you ABCers, what is your work wear? Do you get to wear jeans or are you a business casual gal like myself? Comment and let me know!

*Friday’s Fancies is a weekly link-up hosted by Long Distance Loving

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0 responses to “Friday’s Fancies #5

  1. Kristin

    Love that skirt! I’m all about the skirt and/or dress for work. I am too short and too cheap for alterations to wear pants.

  2. Love this look! I really need to invest in a classic denim jacket. My work wear usually consists of sweats and a t shirt. I work from home with my hubby so I don’t have to get dressed up. But, when worked in retail, I appreciated the freedom to wear what I wanted (^_^)

    Hope you’re having a fabulous weekend,

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