Blog Tour: Rebel, Bully, Geek, Pariah – Erin Jade Lange {GIVEAWAY}

Posted February 22, 2016 by Andi in Blog Tour, Books, Giveaway, Review / 2 Comments


Blog Tour: Rebel, Bully, Geek, Pariah – Erin Jade Lange {GIVEAWAY}Rebel Bully Geek Pariah by Erin Jade Lange
Published by Bloomsbury
Published: February 16th 2016
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"The Breakfast Club" gets a modern, high-stakes reboot in this story of four very different teens and a night that changes them forever.

The Rebel: Once popular, Andi is now a dreadlocked, tattooed wild child.
The Bully: York torments everyone who crosses his path, especially his younger brother.
The Geek: Tired of being bullied, Boston is obsessed with getting into an Ivy League college.
The Pariah: Choosing to be invisible has always worked for Sam . . . until tonight.

When Andi, York, Boston, and Sam find themselves hiding in the woods after a party gets busted by the cops, they hop into the nearest car they see and take off—the first decision of many in a night that will change their lives forever. By the light of day, these four would never be caught dead together, but when their getaway takes a dangerously unpredictable turn, sticking together could be the only way to survive.

With cinematic storytelling and compelling emotional depth, critically acclaimed author Erin Jade Lange takes readers on literary thrill ride.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Don’t ever let your idea of what a book is get in the way of what a book really is. What do I mean by that? When I went into Rebel Bully Geek Pariah I had an idea in my head that it was going to be a story that was reminiscent of The Breakfast Club. I expected high school shenanigans and maybe 4 different POVs. I expected something that read like an 80s/90s teen movie for some reason and I don’t know why. After realizing Rebel Bully was not what I was thinking I reread the back and realized none of what was in my head was even alluded to. Instead it hunts at exactly what the story is, 4 kids that seem to be in a wrong place at the wrong time situation that spirals out of control and snowballs into an unexpected night.

Rebel Bully Geek Pariah is a story that basically takes place over one night. It’s told from Sam, the pariah’s, POV and follows the situation she finds herself in when a party is broken up by the cops. Up until this night Sam has always been invisible and suddenly she finds herself trying to stay alive with the help of Andi, the rebel, Boston, the Geek, and York the bully. What Sam thought her night was supposed to be quickly turns into her running with these other misfits to save all of their lives.

To be honest it is really hard for me to review this book without giving anything vital away. What I can tell you is that the 4 characters are very different people yet also the same. They are all searching for something in their lives, a place to just fit. They also all have built up their stereotypes so they can each have a place. But they are also all very lonely. I can also tell you that the plot is really well done. As the story unfolds each part entwines with another part leaving things connected and the reader trying to figure out just what is going to happen. It was written very well because of this and made the story a quick read.

Basically once I cleared my head of The Breakfast Club comparison that wasn’t I found Rebel Bully Geek Pariah to be a great and interesting read. I was enthralled by what was going to happen and how everything would unfold. In the end I was really happy to have read it. I just recommend you have an open mind when you do read it, and you should definitely read it.

LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | Indiebound | iBooks | The Book Depository

About Erin Jade Lange

author, journalist, obsessive-compulsive list maker.

Erin writes facts by day and fiction by night. As a journalist, she is inspired by current events and real-world issues and uses her writing to explore how those issues impact teenagers.

She is an only child, so she spent a lot of time entertaining herself as a kid. This required her to rely heavily on her own imagination, which is probably why she became a writer.

Erin grew up in the cornfields of northern Illinois, along the Mississippi River in one of the few places it flows east to west. She now lives in the sunshine of Arizona and will forever be torn between her love of rivers and her love of the desert.

Tour Schedule:

Week 1:
Week 2:
2/22: Andi’s ABCs – Review 


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2 responses to “Blog Tour: Rebel, Bully, Geek, Pariah – Erin Jade Lange {GIVEAWAY}

  1. Kathleen P

    I heard about this book and was so excited for it. I love the Breakfast Club and can’t wait to see it’s take on it.

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