New Feature: New to You

Posted December 28, 2017 by Andi in New to You, Review / 12 Comments

Last August I was supporting one of my favorite authors and ran a week of love devoted to her books. When I was doing this I got the idea to have a friend that hadn’t read her book read it and review it on my blog. Kelsey was kind enough to read Parallel and write up her thoughts. Doing this lead me to the idea of a new feature (which I thought I would do in 2017 but didn’t) where I have the readers of Andi’s ABCs read one of my all time favorite books that they have never read and have them review it on my blog. It’s a fun way to see what people think about books you love and to have people read books they may have been meaning to read a long time.

What books will you be able to pick from? The sign-up sheet includes about 32 book options (If they have been selected already I have removed them for the list to make it easier for people) but here are a few you will see :

Basically it will be up to you to get a copy of the book you select and are assigned to (books are first come first serve). You can borrow the book from the library or a friend. I am willing to lend what I can to anyone in the US. Or you can purchase the book yourself. You will have 2 weeks to read the book. After you read the book you will need to email me your review which I will then post on my blog. If you have a blog you are welcome to post it on your own blog the day after it is posted on mine.

Do you need to be in the US or a blogger to sign-up? Nope. You just need to be a reader. I can’t lend books to people outside of the US but you are welcome to play along.

Some of the books will also have a giveaway included with the reviews posted. Just a little extra level of fun and a way for others to read books I love. Sadly the giveaways will be US only as I can’t afford shipping internationally.

I think that about sums it up. I hope you are intrigued by the idea and sign-up. I’m not sure how often these reviews will post (it depends on interest) but I hope regularly. Please keep in mind that if you sign-up now you may not need to have your book read until the summer but you are free to read it and send me the review for whenever.

If you have any questions email me, tweet me, DM me. You know how to find me. I’m looking forward to this and I hope you all are too.




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