Review: Drake – Sawyer Bennett

Posted January 4, 2023 by Andi in Books, Review / 0 Comments

Review: Drake – Sawyer BennettDrake by Sawyer Bennett
Series: Pittsburgh Titans #5
Published: January 3, 2023
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Drake McGinn turned his back on hockey after the league betrayed him. Will the Titans be his chance to clear his name and take back the career he once loved?

After I made the decision to divorce, my ex-wife set out on a smear campaign against me, telling anyone who would listen that I was betting on hockey and throwing games. It wasn’t surprising that my ex told the lies, but the fact that the media, league, and fans chose to believe her baseless claims was unforgivable. I walked away from it all and never looked back.

Having settled into life as a single dad to three boys, I’m content. I have more money than I could ever need, and plenty of time to do whatever I want, whenever I want, and whoever I want. So when Brienne Norcross, the team owner for the Pittsburgh Titans, shows up at my house with a job offer, I have no problem turning her down. But the no-nonsense billionaire, with sinfully seductive red lips and killer heels that would look hot as hell thrown over my shoulders, won’t take “no” for an answer.

Now I need to find balance between hockey, my boys, and the explosive chemistry Brienne and I can no longer deny. A cast-off hockey player and the league’s only female team owner? I can think of a million reasons why it could never work but can’t bring myself to care about a single one of them. Game on.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

When I saw that Drake was getting a book and that the Titans owner was going to be the love interest I was immediately excited for it. Those kind of hockey stories have always been some of my favorite and I can say with confidence that Sawyer Bennet did not disappoint. Drake and Brienne’s story was really enjoyable. It wasn’t my favorite of the series, but I really liked a lot of it.

Drake is the story of Drake and Brienne. Once upon a time Drake was a player in the NHL, that is until they turned their backs on him thanks to a smear campaign and horrendous rumors by his ex-wife. Since then Drake has wanted nothing to do with the NHL and the owners. Enter Brienne. She is still trying to build the Titans into a solid team after the tragedy of the plane crash. She is trying to pick up the pieces of the Titans while also dealing with the grief of losing her brother. When she meets Drake she immediately offends him. But the one thing about Brienne is that she won’t back down and breaking down Drake’s walls and getting him to play for her team is a challenge she is will to accept. The question is, is Drake ready to let her…and hockey…back into his life?

Like I mentioned Drake and Brienne were great characters and I truly enjoyed their story. They played off each other really well. They were both dealing with a sort of grief, Drake grieving over the life he had and lost, and Brienne the devastation of losing her brother. They slowly started to lean on each other and it was a beautiful thing. Also they had chemistry off the charts. My only complaint was how quickly the end seemed to happen. It all felt really fast and rushed and I wanted more for this couple.

In the end, Drake was a great addition to the Pittsburgh Titans series and really let the readers get to know who the owner is at her core. It was a fun, enjoyable story and I look forward to reading more in this series.

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