JCrew Factory Lust

Posted February 3, 2014 by Andi in Outfits, Paper Dolls / 0 Comments

JCrew Factory Lust
My name is Andi and I’m a J Crew-aholic. And you know what, sorry, not sorry. I can’t help it. I love it. I love the colors and the prints and the styles and the options. I love the shoes and the shorts and how everything fits and the quality. And on occasion, I like the price. Sometimes if you are lucky you can get a really good deal on something at the J Crew store. But for those moments that you aren’t so lucky in the retail store, there is the Factory. And more often than not, something that is popular in the store in one season will end up at the factory story the next for a fraction of the price with only minor difference. So above you will see my current J Crew Factory lust list. Screams spring doesn’t it? Bet you can guess where my mind is. HA. Anyway, with these pieces in mind I created three different spring/summer styles to help break out of this winter doom. I personally love them all. Too bad me and my wallet are having a difference of opinion right now or they would all be in my closet.
So tell me my dear ABCers, what items are you lusting after to break out of this winter blah time? Anything on my list strike your fancy? Share in the comments.

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0 responses to “JCrew Factory Lust

  1. Of course you knew I’d love this post. I am MAJORY in love with the last look. I own a very similar jacket and pair of pants, so I’m definitely going to keep that sweater in mind. Also, those shoes are super cute! Funnily enough, I own similar versions of everything in look one and have actually worn them together. Great minds think alike 😉

    • Too bad we didn’t live closer to each other, we could do some chopping damage. 🙂 And those shoes are the most comfortable flats I own. I would HIGHLY recommend them. I have 4 different pairs.

  2. Kristin

    I want that pencil skirt! Real bad! LOL. The shorts in the same print are cute, but there is something about that skirt.

    • Everything was 30% off this morning if you spent $125 or more. I bought the shorts. I thought about the skirt but I wanted the short last year so I took my chance. I’ll watch for the skirt to go super cheap. HA

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