Review: The Unexpected Everything – Morgan Matson

Posted May 2, 2016 by Andi in Books, Review / 1 Comment

Review: The Unexpected Everything – Morgan MatsonThe Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson
Published by Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
Published: May 3rd 2016
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Andie has a plan. And she always sticks to her plan.

Future? A top-tier medical school.
Dad? Avoid him as much as possible (which isn’t that hard considering he’s a Congressman and he’s never around).
Friends? Palmer, Bri, and Toby—pretty much the most awesome people on the planet, who needs anyone else?
Relationships? No one’s worth more than three weeks.

So it’s no surprise that Andie’s got her summer all planned out too.

Until a political scandal costs Andie her summer pre-med internship, and lands both she and Dad back in the same house together for the first time in years. Suddenly she’s doing things that aren’t Andie at all—working as a dog walker, doing an epic scavenger hunt with her dad, and maybe, just maybe, letting the super cute Clark get closer than she expected. Palmer, Bri, and Toby tell her to embrace all the chaos, but can she really let go of her control?

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

What can I say about Morgan Matson’s books that I haven’t said before? I was destroyed by Second Chance Summer, enthralled by Since You’ve Been Gone, and wooed by Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour. She’s written herself so high in my list of author’s I love that I don’t think she can get any higher. And then she gives me The Unexpected Everything which made me feel the things I felt in the first 3 books she has written and changes my expectations again. I mean can she do anything wrong? This book was just fantastic.

The Unexpected Everything is the story of Andie, the daughter of a congressman that is currently being investigated. Andie has always had a plan. It was the easiest way to live life. If she knew what was coming she didn’t have to figure out what to do. But this summer is anything but typical for Andie. Instead of her plan she finds herself spending the summer in a way she never expected and maybe learning life is sometimes better lived when you don’t know what’s coming.

This book put me through a gamut of emotions. I laughed and smiled and cringed and cried. I was angry and upset and excited. I felt everything that was happening much like Andie did. I felt like I was part of Andie’s journey and I loved that. Because really that is what The Unexpected Everything was about, Andie’s journey. She was so certain she could plan and schedule things but life isn’t like that and she needed the summer she had to prove that to herself. She needed everything that happened with her friends to happen. She needed to have real conversations with people. She needed to see that life happens when you are waiting on plans unless you do something and live it. And she really needed Clark.

Clark, Clark, Clark. Nerdy and adorable and sweet and unsure. He is everything that is right about swoony book boys and he was the perfect counterpart for Andie. They were complete opposites but there was something magical about them together. And awkward. Man were they awkward at times. Eh, it just made them more endearing. But seriously Clark really helped Andie in her summer of the unknown by actually being part of the unknown. I just loved him. Oh and Andie’s friends. They were such a great unit. They too were real and some of their story arcs just broke my heart (I’m looking at you Morgan. Making me cry at jury duty!).

I don’t want to give too much away and take anything from this masterpiece. It was really just perfect. From the characters to a familiar location (!!!!!!!) to some familiar mentions (!!!!!) there wasn’t anything I didn’t love about this story and Andie’s growth. All I can say is if you are new to Morgan Matson, start at the beginning and read them all. If you are a Morgan fan…you are in for a reading treat.

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